Friday, June 08, 2007

Making It All Worth While

O.k so i know i havent been around on here for a while but i have been trying to get my life in a bit more of a straighter path. I would like for you all to meet my wonderful and most amazing girlfriend AMANDA. She is amazing, she means the world to me and I would do anything for this girl and I know she would me too. I LOVE HER soooooo much and i knw she will be around for a long, long time. If you haven't already met her, you will and you will probably love her too. If you love me you will love her too. This isn't her fav pic of us but i like it and thats all that matters on my page.

Oh, my oh my........This is the Mason Monster. Mason is Amanda's son and he is fitting into my life very well indeed. I love this kid and he also means the world to me and one day he will be able to beat your son up. No but really he's an angel and him and amanda mean the world to me so watch out guys i'm gonna be posting more now and you will prob see a lot more of these guys. Oh and this is another pic that amanda isn't a big fan of but i think it's cute so there.