Sunday, January 14, 2007

Too Many Pics Of Jack?

Well I know its been a few days again but I have no computer access Wed-Fri so it's a little difficult to keep posts updated on that day. I have many more pics and will try and keep up with it. This is Mum and Jack when he got baptised at Adam and Pamelas new house in Chandler.

I must say when I first found out that Adam was going to be a dad I was very shocked but in his defense he has been a better dad than I could of even imagined and I think even though he was nervous, this picture explains how that turned around and became what it is, although I can't believe that he will be one in only a couple of weeks. I have also met a wonderful girl and she is making me very happy at the moment and I hope she always will she is amazing in every which way and I'm glad I have her in my life, I will update on that as soon as I can.

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