Monday, February 26, 2007

New Home and New Faces

So this is going to be my new home in a few weeks and i am very excited. I have lived here in the states for about 8 years now and all the time in Phoenix. I will miss everyone who I have met in Phoenix and thank them for all the wonderful things they have taught me over the years. I will always remeber you and of course you know i will visit. Cause I love you guys.

Someone sent this to me and I thought it was great it has certainly been a major factor in my life and i hope it will be in yours too.

And yes another picture of the infamous Jack. I actually got to watch him today for most of the day and i really enjoyed it especially now that i wont be seeing much of him soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ah..I love SF. I partied hard in SF when I was about 25. You are going to love it there!