Sunday, September 17, 2006

Birthday time

And here is one of Adam and Pamela while they are dancing. Good picture I think.

So then they made Adam and Pamela get up and dance in a circle and this went on for about 20 mins I think and then the guy made everyone in the circletake off there shoes for some reason so here are the shoes.

It was funny though because Pamela was outside and missed it so I decided to catch a couple of pics as evidence. He was a good sport throughout the whole night about dancing which I was kinda surprised about.

This was the first belly dancer of the night, seen here getting Adam up to dance and she was successful.

So it is my birthday today but I have to work so we went out last night to this amazing greek restaurant The Bacchanal . It was such a good time and there was live music and dancing and plate smashing it was good. This was when a song we knew was being played and Me, Mum, Johnny and Adam decided that we were going to show them how it was done. And we did we even got some claps at the end.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry I couldn't be there to celebrate your birthday. Looks like you had fun. Happy Birthday Pip!
23 years old. I'm gonna have to start calling you old man.