Wednesday, September 06, 2006

More Camping

This was a part of the hike me and charlie didnt want to take but john and david did. The pipe they are on didn't look too sturdy but it held out.
This is Charlie on the way back up to the top. He does look extremely tired as we all were.
For those of you that dont know this picture was taken when all were excited and rilled up for the hike that had been planned out by the lovely shannon. The hike was supposed to last for about 2-3 hours but with Davids decision to throw out the map it ended up taking about 6 hours. Jhon was up front on the way back and kept leaving beers to coax us back up to the top, after which returning to the campsite we all had our fair share of words with shannon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That was the hike from HELL! My legs hurt just thinking about it!