Friday, October 20, 2006

Mariel's In Town

I think I have introduced Mariel before but I havent posted her in a while so here she is. She is in town this weekend from Cali and she paid us a visit yesterday. I wish she would move back to Phoenix but she refuses. We always take good pics together aswell.

Of course I couldnt have been roaming around the pub with the camera and not take a picture of these two lovely ladies. Its been a while since I saw Laura she has a great job and does a lot of travelling for it so shes not around as much as we would like.

Gotta get crazy with these three in the mix. The young ladie in the middle is Mariels friend Katie I never see her but she made an appearance this weekend as mariel was here im sure ill see her again tonight.
Just a cute little pic to start the night off right I love Mariel I dont know what I would do without her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No call, No show. At least I get to see what you did with your weekend while we were chowing on Pork, Eggplant Parmesan. Your loss. Moving day is set for 11/24 for sure. PLEASE let us know ASAP if you are going to be there or not.

Spanks! Mrs. C