Thursday, October 19, 2006

A Night At Fitzy's House

This last saturday was a little bit different Josh was moving back to Las Vegas so we had a little get together for him at Fitzys house. I must say that Fitzy is the best cook in the world we had so much food and there was obviously a load of alcohol there too. Thats how this picture happened. Fitzy is getting a lovely lap dance from his wife Leslie.

You know at every party there is at least two crazy chicks and these too were the ones that night Laura on the left and Leslie on the right. I guess it wouldnt be quite the same party without them. I love you guys.

And of course me and the lovely Stacey. We don't have too many pics of just us two for some odd reason so we decided to add a couple to the collection. I think it is a great picture.

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