Sunday, October 29, 2006

Me at work.

Here is what I don't do best....singing. This was taken a couple of weeks ago on our Monday night kareoke night. We have it every monday and yes I always attempt to sing. I'm not that good but it's the effort that counts. I think I am singing Margaritaville here. I like to sing this song cause it's easy and fun but like I said I aint that good. I mean I'm not bad but im no american idol.

And here is what I do best....bartending. I love working behind the bar. It is so much fun and I have been doing it for quite a few years now. I just got a new part time gig but I aint saying it on here as a lot of my family looks at this but it's so much fun. I get to meet all kinds of people from all walks of life. But it is one of those jobs that you are either good at or your not.

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